Registration Instructions

Utilize this registration link to register as a coxswain at Virginia Boat Club. Coxswains at Virginia Boat Cub are not charged annual dues. Please complete your profile page. There are several documents which require your electronic signature; coxswains self-certify their swimming qualifications, a VBC waiver of liability is required from everyone and a Rocketts Landing waiver of liability is required only if you plan on coxing downtown at Rocketts Landing.  Please take time to view the US Rowing Safety video. Once you have registered you will have access to iCrew to view and select which sessions you are available for coxing. Learn to Row coaches and Masters rowing captains will provide additional information.

Questions? All registration questions can be directed to

NOTE: A registration code is required. Contact a club administrator to obtain the code.



(includes Phone, Email, Age, Addr, Emerg. Contact, Year Learn To Row Completed, Year Learn To Scull Completed, County of your residency)

Associated Teams/Groups

        All VBC Coxswain List to find coxswains for practices and regattas

Tap Register to create an iCrew account with Virginia Boat Club.

*** By registering, you are declaring that you agree to the iCrew Terms & Conditions.

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