Registration Instructions
Please follow these steps to successfully join the PM Sweeps & Sculls program:
- Click on the "Join Teams" button below to register for this program
- Sign-up/Renew your US Rowing membership (as required) and sign the online US Rowing waiver
- Watch the US Rowing Safety Video at and sign the release, either online in iCrew or by mailing the paper form to LSRC
- Complete US Rowing Safe Sport Training (if you intend to compete in regattas this year)
- Provide a copy of your swim test (if not already on file in iCrew)
- Sign the Media Release Waiver (if not already on file in iCrew), either online in iCrew or by mailing the paper form to LSRC
- Pay your dues, via iCrew (coming soon) or by sending a check to LSRC. Please note that iCrew will automatically add the fees for ALL 3 PM sessions to your account. You only need to pay the fees for the sessions that you are participating in
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to