Registration Instructions

To be a member of the Varsity Team, we require all rowers to have a USRowing membership and waiver. Waivers are needed in order to compete in USRowing-hosted and -sanctioned events, as well as to be covered by insurance that comes with the membership. A Basic Membership to USRowing is required for this waiver. If you are a new member to USRowing, click “Individual.” Enter the Club Code C6V3L If you are an existing member, click “Members.” You will receive confirmation that your membership in USRowing is complete. You will receive a USRowing Membership Number, and the expiration date (one year from the start date)for your membership. Write these two numbers down as you will need them to complete your registration form and at checkout. Copy this link  https://

Questions? All registration questions can be directed to

(includes Phone, Email, Age, Addr, Emerg. Contact)

Associated Teams/Groups

        open to rowers by coach invitation/approval only

        This is a generic team for all youth rowers.

Tap Register to create an iCrew account with Megunticook Rowing.

*** By registering, you are declaring that you agree to the iCrew Terms & Conditions.

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