Tap the club logo to visit the Bainbridge Island Rowing website
If you have an iCrew account for Bainbridge Island Rowing, please log on to iCrew here, then visit the Club Home page to view Registration Options.
Tap on the appropriate registration link below.
Registration Options
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to registrar@bainbridgerowing.org.
Adult Rower
Adult Rower - BIR Adult Member rowing in our Adult programs: Open (All Levels), Competitive or Sculling
New to BIR Adult Rower - New rower to BIR trying it out. This rower is not assigned to the Adult Members Team and has no dues or fees attached. This team is simply an entry point for a new rower to come try rowing with the club, whether it's an erg training session, LTR class or rower returning to rowing but is new to the club.
Youth Rower
Jr Fall 8th Grade Team - Jr Fall 8th Grade Team. Fall 8th Grade Team Rowing Fees and 1/2 Yearly Dues applied. Documents attached are: BIR waiver, Float Test, Physical, USRowing Membership and USRowing Waiver
Parent of Rower
Jr Primary Parent 2022 2023 - Primary parent on the registration form
Parent Volunteer - Parent Volunteers with our Junior Program.
If none of the above apply to you, tap on the link below.