Tap the club logo to visit the Newport Sea Base Rowing website
If you have an iCrew account for Newport Sea Base Rowing, please log on to iCrew here, then visit the Club Home page to view Registration Options.
Tap on the appropriate registration link below.
Registration Options
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to lacey.shelton@scouting.org.
Adult Rower
Adult Learn To Row August 3rd, 10th, & 17th - August 3rd 10th 17th
AGES 18+
Our adult learn to row camps comprise three consecutive Sunday mornings from 6:30-9:30am.
In this beginners class, you will learn the basics: how to row, terminology, and care of rowing equipment. Get out of your comfort zone, get out on the water, and LEARN TO ROW on the picturesque Newport Harbor! No previous rowing experience required. However, all participants must be able to squat down and lift a 25-pound weight overhead and pass a swim test.
Youth Rower
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 1 - 6/16 - 6/20 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 2 - 6/23 - 6/27 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 3 - 6/30 - 7/03 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 4 - 7/07 - 7/11 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 5 - 7/14 - 7/18 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 6 - 7/21 - 7/25 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 7 - 7/28 - 8/01 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 1 Summer Camp - Week 8 - 8/04 - 8/08 - Level 1 Learn to row camp - Learn the fundamentals of rowing and safety with on the water experience.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 2 - 6/23 - 6/27 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 3 - 6/30 - 7/03 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 4 - 7/07 - 7/11 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 5 - 7/14 - 7/18 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 6 - 7/21 - 7/25 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 7 - 7/28 - 8/01 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 2 Summer Camp - Week 8 - 8/04 - 8/08 - Level 2 Summer Rowing Camp - Refine the fundamentals with more challenging boats and more water time with expert coaching.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 6/16 - 6/20 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 6/23 - 6/27 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 6/30 - 7/03 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 7/07-7/11 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 7/14-7/18 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 7/21-7/25 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 7/28-8/01 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp 8/04-8/08 - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
Level 3 - Intro to Competitive Camp Full Summer - The Development camp is an introduction to the competitive team for any incoming 8th-12th graders who are serious about joining the Junior Competitive team in the Fall. Practices will be held in the morning, along side our current junior team members, and will consist of weight lifting, erging, body circuits and on water practices.
If none of the above apply to you, tap on the link below.