Tap the club logo to visit the Pocock Rowing Club website
If you have an iCrew account for Pocock Rowing Club, please log on to iCrew here, then visit the Club Home page to view Registration Options.
Tap on the appropriate registration link below.
Registration Options
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to member-services@pocockrowingclub.org.
Adult Rower
Fitness Class - This is for fitness classes coached by Magda Vidal and meets twice a week.
LTR 2025 March - Adult - LTR 2025 March - Adult
Masters Sculling Team - This registration profile is for members who are on the Masters Sculling Team (MST)
Masters Sculling Team - One Session Per Week - For PRC Members who chose to attend the Master Sculling Team sessions once per week
Membership Annual - Registration profile for individual annual memberships. Members make an annual commitment and pay monthly.
Membership Coach - This is a free membership for those coaches coaching at least two adult team or class sessions per week.
Membership Coxswain - Free membership. Coxswains must sign all forms and get added to an active roster.
Membership Family - This is the registration profile is for family memberships that are paid monthly. Members make an annual commitment and pay monthly. Eligible Family Members may include a spouse or partner or adult children 21 years of age or older.
Membership Gym - Members who only have a membership to the fitness center.
Membership Month to Month - This is for members who pay on a monthly basis and have not signed an annual contract. Members will be charged monthly unless the ED is contacted by the 15th of the month before the next billing cycle to suspend the membership.
Membership U25 - For members who are under the age of 25 and agree to pay monthly.
Mens Competitive Team - This registration profile is for members who join the PRC Competitive Adult Team. The fee is $90/month per person. This is for 3 sessions per week
Mens Competitive Team Once Per Week - This is for members who want to row once per week on the PRC Competitive Adult Team
Mixed Masters - This team is for members who belong to the Mixed Masters Team. Members participate in both sculling and sweep boats
Mixed Masters One Session Per Week - This if for members who row once per week with the theMixed Masters Team Team
Montlake Rowing Club - This is for members of the Montlake Rowing Club
MRC Launch - This fee is for the use of a launch by MRC
PRC ERG Team - This profile is for members of the PRC ERG Team
Sculling 1 - Sculling 1: Classes are intended to provide the foundation for skills required to become an independent sculler, including boat setup and handling, dock etiquette, maneuvering, navigation, safety in all aspects of rowing on a busy waterway, weather wisdom, and of course, refining sculling technique in both singles and team sculling boats. Expect to spend 8 months to a year in Sculling 1 before moving into Sculling 2. Sculling 1 participants may come from our Learn to Row program or be a new member new to sculling.
Sculling 1 One Session Per Week - Sculling 1: Classes are intended to provide the foundation for skills required to become an independent sculler, including boat setup and handling, dock etiquette, maneuvering, navigation, safety in all aspects of rowing on a busy waterway, weather wisdom, and of course, refining sculling technique in both singles and team sculling boats. Expect to spend 8 months to a year in Sculling 1 before moving into Sculling 2. Sculling 1 participants may come from our Learn to Row program or be a new member new to sculling.
Sculling 2 - Sculling 2: Classes continue to build a foundation toward independent sculling while adding both endurance and technical coaching. Sculling 2 students will learn how to do various drills including pause and swing drills, various oar handle work (wide grip/piano fingers/one and two fingers), blade drills (half feather, full square, sky, alternating). In addition, Sculling 2 students will learn racing starts and participate in race challenges in class, and begin learning both sprint and head race techniques. Speed coaches are desired but not mandatory.
Sculling 2 One Session Per Week - Sculling 2: Classes continue to build a foundation toward independent sculling while adding both endurance and technical coaching. Sculling 2 students will learn how to do various drills including pause and swing drills, various oar handle work (wide grip/piano fingers/one and two fingers), blade drills (half feather, full square, sky, alternating). In addition, Sculling 2 students will learn racing starts and participate in race challenges in class, and begin learning both sprint and head race techniques. Speed coaches are desired but not mandatory.
Sculling 3 - Sculling 3: Classes will be heavily focused on advanced technical drills in racing shells. This class is for experienced scullers who are familiar with and can execute pause drills, swing drills, blade drills and handle work drills. The class will take technical focus to the next level, developing technique with increasingly difficult challenges. This class will involve complex task loading intended to create a higher level of awareness in a racing shell while developing an athlete’s ability to respond to feedback on technical minutiae that is critical for refining the rowing stroke. Initially, this class will only be offered once per week. Demand will dictate if more days will be offered.
Sculling 3 One Session Per Week - Sculling 3: Classes will be heavily focused on advanced technical drills in racing shells. This class is for experienced scullers who are familiar with and can execute pause drills, swing drills, blade drills and handle work drills. The class will take technical focus to the next level, developing technique with increasingly difficult challenges. This class will involve complex task loading intended to create a higher level of awareness in a racing shell while developing an athlete’s ability to respond to feedback on technical minutiae that is critical for refining the rowing stroke. Initially, this class will only be offered once per week. Demand will dictate if more days will be offered.
Sculling 4 - Sculling 4 (previously Sculling 3): Classes provide advanced on-water training for both endurance and race preparation. Class will focus on finding power and speed through on-water workouts with technical feedback on the fly, as well as racing starts, sprint and head race strategy, training plans, etc. Advanced navigation skills, a thorough knowledge of drills, and the ability to execute complex workouts using a speed coach are required. Rowing in both singles and team boats will be an integral part of this class. This class will begin June 16.
Sculling 4 One Session Per Week - Sculling 4 (previously Sculling 3): Classes provide advanced on-water training for both endurance and race preparation. Class will focus on finding power and speed through on-water workouts with technical feedback on the fly, as well as racing starts, sprint and head race strategy, training plans, etc. Advanced navigation skills, a thorough knowledge of drills, and the ability to execute complex workouts using a speed coach are required. Rowing in both singles and team boats will be an integral part of this class. This class will begin June 16.
Sculling Classes - This is the umbrella name for Sculling Classes 1, 2 & 3
Women's Competitive Team - One Session Per Week - This is for women athletes who want to try out for the comp team and row one session per week
Other Options
Ron Lorentsen - This account is for donations to the Ron Lorentsen fund for scholarships and Coaching Education
If none of the above apply to you, tap on the link below.