Tap the club logo to visit the Virginia Boat Club website
If you have an iCrew account for Virginia Boat Club, please log on to iCrew here, then visit the Club Home page to view Registration Options.
Tap on the appropriate registration link below.
Registration Options
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to Admin@VirginiaBoatClub.org.
Adult Rower
2024 Learn to Scull Robious Landing - This is a Learn to Scull class at VBC's Robious Landing Boathouse for inexperienced adults with no rowing experience (the fee is $300) or experienced VBC sweep adult rowers that have no sculling experience (the fee is $150). Classes are one-on-one and the dates/times are coordinated with a sculling instructor. Priority is given in the order of registration and payment of the fee.
2024 Learn to Scull Rocketts Landing - This is a Learn to Scull class at VBC's Rocketts Landing Boathouse for inexperienced adults with no rowing experience (the fee is $300) or experienced VBC sweep adult rowers that have no sculling experience (the fee is $150). Classes are one-on-one and the dates/times are coordinated with a sculling instructor. Priority is given in the order of registration and payment of the fee.
2024-2025 Winter Training - Welcome to the Rocketts Landing Winter Training 2024-2025 Team! You do NOT have to be a VBC member to join this team. Practices will incorporate options for competitive or recreational athletes, injury prevention circuits, stretching, and optional weight training. Tuesday and Thursday evenings: 5:45-7:45 p.m, and Saturday mornings 7:45-9:45 a.m. First session is Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Fee is $110.00. Join and attend when it fits your schedule!
VBC General Membership - Join Virginia Boat Club. Annual membership dues are $400 for individuals, $640 for families, and $180 for summer college students. New members who join after mid-year are assessed dues at a decreased rate depending upon when they join. Renewing members are assessed the full amount regardless of when during the year that they renew. There are no refunds for members who terminate membership before the end of the year.
Other Options
VBC Coxswains - Registration for coxswains only.
If none of the above apply to you, tap on the link below.