Tap the club logo to visit the West Potomac High School Crew website
If you have an iCrew account for West Potomac High School Crew, please log on to iCrew here, then visit the Club Home page to view Registration Options.
Tap on the appropriate registration link below.
Registration Options
Questions? All registration questions can be directed to vpadmin@wpcrew.org.
Youth Rower
Boys Novice (New Rower) - New rowers this season on the Boys Team
Boys VJV (Returning Rowers) - Athlete on the Boys VJV team (returning rower)
Girls Novice (New Rower) - New Rowers this season the Girls Team
Girls VJV (Returning Rowers) - Athletes on the Girls VJV team (Returning Rowers)
Parent of Rower
Novice Parent - Parent/Guardian of an athlete on the Novice Team (new rowers)
Returning Rower Parent - Parent/Guardian of an athlete on the VJV team (returning rowers)
Other Options
Coach - Team Coaches
Volunteer Adult - Adult who would like to receive iCrew notifications, particularly for volunteer opportunities.
If none of the above apply to you, tap on the link below.